天下第一长联(32628字) 2012年2月,中华楹联奇人童伟先生(贵州省三穗县人)历时16年呕心沥血、精心创作的天下第一长联“万字联”(32628字)终于完成。上联写中国名胜古迹和风景区,下联写中国历史、人物典故,历史从盘古开天写到现代。可谓:风霜雨雪日月乾坤一笔写来留梦幻,社稷江山春秋今古万言书就展华章,令人叹为观止。 Tong Wei's World Record In Feb. 2012, Mr. Tong Wei, a native of Guizhou, China finally completed the creation of the world’s longest couplet (32,628 characters) after 16 years’ efforts. The first line of this couplet is about historical sites and scenic areas of China, and the second line of this couplet is about Chinese history, figures and allusions.